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Wrinkles filling

With age, the volume of the face decreases, and the skin becomes flabby and loses its elasticity.

In the past, wrinkle filling procedure was the only option for women and men trying to control the unwanted age-related changes. However, in recent years, we observed a huge leap forward in the use of cosmetic wrinkle fillers, and nowadays they represent an effective and safe alternative to surgery, offering a reduced risk of complications and minimal recovery time.


Hyaluronic acid is the most common of modern cosmetic fillers. It is a natural substance that is commonly found in our joints. Hyaluronic acid is widely used in ophthalmology for surgery and intraocular injections, so it is a safe and convenient material without the side effects of conventional fillers.


All the procedures start with the consultation.

In which areas can wrinkle filling be done

Fillers are suitable for adding volume.

·       Thus, the cheek wrinkle filler adds volume and fills in wrinkles, creates a complete and well-defined facial contour and restores its symmetry.

·       Filling eyelids’ wrinkles allows to increase the volume of hollow upper eyelids and refresh the tired look of the lower eyelids.

·       Filling in wrinkles in the jaw area and on the sides of mouth and chin gives the lower part of the face a youthful look.

·       Lip filling makes them look voluminous and accentuated.


It should be noted that in order to obtain an aesthetic and beautiful facial result, we must fill in the deep fat tissue, and not just the wrinkles, in accordance with a design adapted to the ideal facial features.


Fillers are designed to smooth and remove permanent dents, as opposed to Botox, that paralyzes facial muscles and smoothes dynamic wrinkles that appear as a result of smiling or of the forehead and eyebrow muscles activity. For perfect results, Botox can be combined with a filler based on hyaluronic acid.


Dr. Avisar strives for a gentle and natural looking face and will talk to you in advance so that you have a realistic idea of what to expect. The goal is for your friends not to know what you did, but just say that you look great.


Dr. Avisar has been injecting fillers for 10 years. She was certified for carrying out these injections by the Q-MED international company, and she uses only natural ingredients tested in many medical studies and approved for use in Europe and in the United States. Dr. Avisar uses only the highest quality materials, and she makes sure to keep up to date participating in aesthetic medicine workshops and conferences.

What to expect after the wrinkle filling procedure?

  • These procedures are short, usually taking about 30 minutes; no preliminary testing is required, and the results are immediately visible.

  • The procedure is a series of injections using a fine needle, so the treatment is painless in most cases, although a slight tingling sensation may be felt with each injection.

  • After the injection procedure, you may feel tenderness, redness or swelling for two to four days.

  • In extremely rare cases, irregularities or small bumps may form on the skin surface; they are eliminated by finger massage.

  • The result (volume adding and skin smoothing) usually lasts for more than a year (mainly when using new generation materials with Vycross technology).

ניתוח הרמת עפעפיים (בלפרופלסטיקה)

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עיניים מימיות ודולפות (Epiphora)

ניתוח תיקון פטוזיס ומתיחת עפעפיים

�ניתוח תיקון פטוזיס ומתיחת עפעפיים

ניתוח פתיחת דרכי הדמעות

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ניתוח העברת שומן (השתלת שומן)

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עיניים מימיות ודולפות (Epiphora)

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מאמרים הקשורים למילוי קמטים

ד״ר ענבל אבישר

מומחית ברפואת עיניים ואוקולופלסטיקה

ניתוחי עפעפיים ופלסטיקה של העין

טיפולים אסתטיים

טיפול וניתוחים של דרכי הדמעות

כתובת אימייל - ד״ר ענבל אבישר - מומחית ברפואת עיניים ואוקולופלסטיקה


מספר פקס - ד״ר ענבל אבישר - מומחית ברפואת עיניים ואוקולופלסטיקה
מספר טלפון - ד״ר ענבל אבישר - מומחית ברפואת עיניים ואוקולופלסטיקה

פתח תקווה - JMedical

יצחק רבין 1, קומה 12 כניסה A

קידום: WixSEOMonster

בניה וקידום:ABCreative

Specialist in Ophthalmology and Oculoplastics surgery

Dr. Inbal Avisar

Eyelid surgeries and plastics

Aesthetic treatments

Tearduct treatment and surgeries

מספר טלפון - ד״ר ענבל אבישר - מומחית ברפואת עיניים ואוקולופלסטיקה
מספר פקס - ד״ר ענבל אבישר - מומחית ברפואת עיניים ואוקולופלסטיקה


כתובת אימייל - ד״ר ענבל אבישר - מומחית ברפואת עיניים ואוקולופלסטיקה

Petach Tikva JMedical

Yizhak Rabin 1A, 12th Floor

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